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Home > Asian country in a sentence

Asian country in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2022-01-26Updated:2022-01-26
Similar words: african countryeuropean countryforeign countrybean counterin countenancecountryuncountedencounterMeaning: n. nations occupying the Asian continent. 
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31. Japan is the first Asian country to develop venture capital ( VC ).
More similar words: african countryeuropean countryforeign countrybean counterin countenancecountryuncountedencounterold countryupcountryup-countrybasic accountcountrymencountrymanincome accountuncountablepollen counthome countryhost countrycountrysidewest countrydonor countrycountry codecountry housein the countryback countrycountry clubcountrywidemother countryrun counter to
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